The carbon fiber bicycle industry has been innovating and advancing all the time. Being lighter and stronger has always been the pursuit of the professional bicycle industry,
In the year of 2017, we first tried to use Toray T800 carbon fiber material and to improve the production process, reducing a weight of 60g for the XC mountain rim, which is a huge improvement. In the years of 2020 to 2022, we upgraded the rim of NXT27XMA45 by newest premium layer-up system and production technology, the weight decreases 20g than the previous generation when the strength kept same. The test results showed a higher level strength than the previous generation.
The weight of model NXT27XMA45 is only 435g for AM and 465g for Enduro. The profile drawing of this rim is as below.
This rim could be used for AM (All Mounatin), Trail and Enduro riding. The tire size for this model of rim is recommended at 2.4" ~ 3.5". The tire pressure is recommended at 25 ~ 50psi.
What's in the Box
Carbon Rim(s)
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What is Free Coating Manufacturing (FCM) process?
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What is ERD (Effective Rim Diameter)?
How much spoke tension should I use?
- 型 号: NXT27XMA45
- 材 质: Toray T800+T700碳纤维
- 类 型: 开口圈 / 直边
- 质 保: 3年
尺 寸
- 尺 寸: 27.5" / 650B
- 辐条孔角度: ± 6°
- BSD: 584mm
- ERD: 549mm
- 辐条孔偏移: 2.6mm
- 外 宽: 45mm
- 辐条孔直径: 4.5mm
- 内 宽: 39mm
- 截面高度: 27mm
- 气嘴孔直径: 6.5mm (法式)
- 重 量: 435g (AM) / 465g (加重)
- 装配孔直径: 7.5mm
- 孔 数: 28, 32
- 外胎尺寸: 2.4" ~ 3.5"
- 最大辐条张力: 80~130kgf
- 最大系统重量: 120kg
- 最大胎压: 25 ~ 50psi
外 观
- 纹 路: UD
- 涂 装: 免涂装 / 哑光 / 亮光
- 适用范围: Trail / AM / Enduro / Freeride
- 真空兼容: 支持真空兼容